Carol Gey van Pitttius

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Is it really a matter of life and death

Do you ever sit and think about why we are all here on this earth?  What is the point of it all.  Its all fun and games while youre growing up, so much to look forward to - turning 16, then 18, 21, getting engaged, married, having children, watching them take their first steps,  falling in love, getting a good job, your own home.  Then people start leaving, dying, becoming abusive, or maybe the abuse started before you grew up.  The nightmares just got bigger.

Somewhere along the way, you find God and all is well.  But people still die and the shit never stops.  Then one day you are on your own, and you discover there is no point to life.  It was all for nothing.  The love, the pain, the joy, the nightmares, even God, all for nothing.  Sometimes i think what the hell am i doing here, wouldn't it be easier to just die?

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