Carol Gey van Pitttius

Thursday 25 August 2011

If music be the food of life ......

Feelings of despair, hysterically out of control

cut the rope deep, let the blood seep

The potion is working slowly,

soothing like the morning mist

jump off before the crash comes

What will happen, what shall I do
maybe I shouldn’t do anything

Leave it alone and it will come home
do we really want it back
haven’t we done this all before
nothing really matters

If you can’t be with the one you love
then love the one you’re with
who ever thought of something so stupid
the Bee Gee’s?

We’ve all become animals, we tear at each other's flesh, hunger - comfort - Darwin was right

it’s getting dark, not too quiet
someone left the damn toilet running again
who switched off the music?


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