Carol Gey van Pitttius

Thursday, 25 August 2011

For You

Carelessly freefalling

into the light

into the warmth

into your love.

Helplessly fighting against the fall
with no way out
I surrender all.

Before there was you
my defiant face challenged the world
a need to prove that I could do it alone
endlessly praying
for inner strength,

He sent you.

Its a wonderful, wonderful life
as we carelessly freefall
into the light
into the warmth
into our love.


The Arum


Consider how the lilies grow,
tall and slender
gracefully rising
From the damp marsh.

So tender, so fragile,
A symbol of purity.

Consider how the lilies grow,
a gentle cup of kindness
a new birth,
a morning sunrise.

Consider how the lilies grow,
Gathered by mourners
And laid upon the grave
Strewn along the pathway
Between death and eternity.

Consider how the lilies grow
A holy Song of Songs
And eternal beauty.

Sora de Meu Soul

From the same loving womb we came
Each in our own time;
Bringing with us the precious gifts
That were passed down the line.

The poetry in love and the music of our hearts;
A gratitude for the little things
We would encounter in our paths.

Like fireflies on a summers night
And butterflies in graceful flight;
A lone fish-eagle as it calls from on high
At the end of the day, a contented sigh.

Your happiness is my joy
And your sadness my woe;
I would gladly wield my sword for you
Against any foe.

And so Sora de meu,
The Sister of my Soul
I will love you forever
Until our blood runs cold.

The Pine Forest

How I love the forest on a day like today, the rain is falling gently, sweetly, reviving my tall green friends. Look at them swaying ever so slowly to the rhythm of the gentle rain.

The wetness seems to bring out their vital colours, the bright cool green of the pine needles. The warm, rich brown of their tall graceful bodies.

I long for them on days such as this, to walk in amongst them on the soft red, brown of their discarded clothing.

I can see it stretched out before me for quite some distance, miles and miles of soft welcome. The trees standing amongst the shadows in organized columns, my sturdy companions with their proud heads raised to the life giving rain.
Oftimes when the sky is overcast and the raindrops are falling on the path, and when I have sunk into the abyss of melancholy, and overcome by the futility of life, I come to walk with my friends, strong, graceful and everlasting.

We walk on and on together and as they raise their heads upwards, so my spirits are raised and once again my faith is restored.

Ode To A Lost Love

Sometimes at night, when the world is still
She calls to me,
My love is calling and I must go, and linger at her side.

I often see her in my dreams,
The girl with mahogany eyes,
She wanders in quite close to me,
Her presence fills the air.

She takes my hand and leads me away
To wander through the pines.

We always come here in the summer
To strip off and bathe awhile.
Her bronzed body shimmering
With the wetness of the pool.

I love to sit and watch her
As she stretches out to the sun
And the drops of glistening water slide down
Caressing her golden breast.

Our minds in tune
Our souls entwined
Loving, gently, slowly
Culminating in a pinnacle of rapture.

Lazing in the warmth
Filtering through the trees
No longer entwined, but
Held together by the afterglow.

I open my eyes to gaze upon her splendour
But I am alone and she has gone.

And now, in the night
When the world is still
I call out to her,
My girl with mahogany eyes.



Why is it that when I'm all alone on a rainy day
I am overcome by a feeling of sadness and things gone by.

Loving smiles and happy laughter
Warm touches and my mothers eyes
Kind words and family meals
And the reassuring presence of my old Dad.

When I'm feeling down, I close my eyes
And I can see them all.
The baby boy with white hair and eyes of bright blue,
And a golden girl with long flaxen hair
Dimpled cheeks and puppy-dog eyes.

Down the passage I hear laughter,
It must be the boys.
How different they are.
One tall and slim, his aloofness setting him apart,
And there is the eldest, with warm eyes and a heart of gold.
They say he can do anything that he puts his mind to.
And if I look into the far corner, I'll see the lost boy
He's far away in a world of his own.

And when I listen very carefully,
I can hear a page turn,
That's my Dad reading his book in his cosy old chair.
And there is my mother in the kitchen,
Singing as she prepares the family's evening meal.

And there I am, I'm not very big really.

As I wonder around the house, I'm so happy.
I wish this day would never end.

And on a rainy day like today
When the raindrops run slowly down the windowpane,
And I'm feeling sad;
I close my eyes and there they all are,
And then I know this day will always be.


The Jumping Boy - for Trav

Don't jump from the building
Unless you can fly
For I worry my son
That perhaps you will die.

The building is tall
It towers up high
But you are so small
And you know I will cry.

Please, come on down
And put your feet on the ground
Things aren’t so bad
So take off that frown.

Yes, life is hard
It always will be
It will often bring tears
To both you and me.

So put on your armour of courage my son
If you give all your love
Things wont come undone.


Take Flight - for Trav

Softly and lightly

The feather fell
It touched the ground
Gently as in a morning sunrise.

He reached for it
And held it in his hand
Beautiful it was,
So fragile
Yet strong enough to withstand
The storms on high.

Clasp this treasure tightly my son
Keep it close to your breast
And remember the flight
And the freedom it holds within.

Take courage from this symbol
For one day you will need strength
And I will watch you climb
Soar like the eagle.

And while you can
Brush close to the sun
And feel its warmth in your heart
Then fly up,
Fly home.


If music be the food of life ......

Feelings of despair, hysterically out of control

cut the rope deep, let the blood seep

The potion is working slowly,

soothing like the morning mist

jump off before the crash comes

What will happen, what shall I do
maybe I shouldn’t do anything

Leave it alone and it will come home
do we really want it back
haven’t we done this all before
nothing really matters

If you can’t be with the one you love
then love the one you’re with
who ever thought of something so stupid
the Bee Gee’s?

We’ve all become animals, we tear at each other's flesh, hunger - comfort - Darwin was right

it’s getting dark, not too quiet
someone left the damn toilet running again
who switched off the music?


My Autumn Blessing

Sweet and gentle child of mine,
I watch you sometimes and
I see you swaying like a slender reed
So fragile in life's storms

The day you were born,
You brought me such joy
My heart was full.
It was autumn then and the
Season was reflected in your hair.

I tried to hang on to that young tenderness
And protect you from the world
But we all must eventually grow
And spread our wings.

I hope I have given you
For your journey,
Some wisdom, courage, laughter, and only a few tears.
But most of all, I hope that you will
Always carry in your heart
The warm, rich autumn, and my love.

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