Carol Gey van Pitttius

Friday, 31 August 2018


Maybe my sister Denise is a part of what represents Home to me.  The familiar, friendly, loving face of my sister.  Going home means going to visit Denise and the good times we will share, the adventures, the fun and the laughter.  Perhaps that is Home?

                                                      Denny and Gemima

The other way home

When we were kids and going somewhere on a journey with our parents, a "long" journey from Marina Beach to Durban perhaps, we would always stop at a picnic site like this one to break the journey.  In those days driving that distance on the old coastal road would take hours, not like the quick journey it is today with modern highways.  So perhaps this is the way home i was looking for, perhaps seeing this photograph a few days ago is what made me so homesick.  I don't know what it was, but now I'm sad.


Where is home?  Feeling homesick and really down in the dumps. I would like to go home now, but where exactly is that?

Midmar - The Way Home

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