Carol Gey van Pitttius

Monday, 27 February 2012


Give myself protection
from that which
i fear most.

to be loved.

Held and healed
hold and feel
steal it

while i am

Always a gain
for lovers.

for others.

Love given
and surrendered
and remembered
Because it is me
"clean me"
cream me
scream free



Given protection
from that which I fear
deep aching longing to be

held and healed
from love's pain
in imagination's name
remembered in mine.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Once a dream tangled my sleep
Pushing my angels aside.
My bed grew cold with an icy wind
That had silently crept inside.

I dreamed of a sea that had turned to ice
And captured everything inside.

The fish were suspended in seaweed so still
The waves that were cresting,
Now simply resting,
While waiting to reach the shore.

From inside my dream, I heard a scream
Perhaps a mermaid was trapped inside

And there I saw with frozen stare
A maiden beneath the waves

She cried out to me with lips of blue
Her tear drops were glassy pearls

The men brought their picks
And rocks and sticks
And hammered and chiselled away

At the glacial grave
that had her enslaved
With its frigid icy grip.

I gaze on her face,
So fair, such grace
And she softly whispers my name

Please release me, dear child
From this hostile tomb
Lest I should freeze away

Rather bury me where the warm sun shines
On a green hill far away
Where the daisies sway
And the dragonflies play
And the trees reach up to the sky

Where my children can run
Sing dance and have fun
And make sweet garlands each day.
With us to watch over and pray.

Of course mother dear, of course.

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