Carol Gey van Pitttius

Wednesday 3 September 2014

The Pound Street Chronicles

We've been living in Pound Street in Newbury for six months now and although I'm getting used to it, it isn't home.  I don't think I will ever get used to living in the middle of the city/town.  I miss having a garden most of all and I don't like the fact that the houses are right on the road front.

There is no pretty sight to great you when you wake up in the morning and look out of your window.

We have a Tattoo Parlour right over the road, next to the barber and then theres the construction sight which has now blocked out any view we might have had.

They're building a house I think.  Three stories and made of chip board and there is no road frontage.  I don't understand the building laws in this country.  If you want to save on bricks you can just add your house onto your neighbour's wall and join your house to his house.  Bizarre!!

There is no privacy, except maybe at "Cally's piccola sala caffè all'aperto"  out the back of the house.  I've tried to make it pretty and hospitable with what I have and its been lovely all through Spring and Summer.  Autumn is on the way now and its getting a bit nippier outdoors and no doubt the Winter will bring some snow, and then I will have to sit out here with my coat, gloves, scarf, woolly hat, boots etc :)

I spend most of my time out here, either sitting and contemplating with a cup of coffee, or painting or watering the few plants.  It's my favourite place to be at the moment.  Its where I go to dream of things to come.  Like big gardens out in the country side and cottages at the beach, you know, my usual dreams!

The dreaming keeps me going for a bit longer.

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